Owning a business can burn you out in a really big way. At first, it’s fine. Crunch times happen. You’re passionate about your business, so you trudge through those tedious 60-hour workweeks like a champ. But over time, it starts to wear on you. You dread going back to work. You feel like the rest […]
This Publishing Powerhouse Helps Bloggers Reach a Whole New Audience
Founded in late 2012, this online publishing platform has gained a lot of traction since its introduction. A lot of people use this platform as either their primary blog — you can set up a custom domain name with it — or they syndicate some of their content on the site. Ever heard of Medium? […]
4 Email Marketing Mistakes That Waste Tons of Money
Email is a prime linchpin for modern digital marketing campaigns. It’s so effective, and there’s such a wide body of evidence that demonstrates that efficacy, that you’re clearly leaving a lot of money on the table if you’re not investing in email marketing for your business. But there’s a lot of strategy involved, meaning there are a […]
Why Businesses Shouldn’t Be Looking For More New Customers
Enterpreneurs often end up focusing on bringing in new customers. After all, you’re probably starting from zero, so there’s a period of time where that’s the number one priority. But eventually, you might want to switch gears. There’s a point where gaining more new customers isn’t the most profitable way to spend your marketing budget anymore. Instead, […]
3 Sneaky Social Media Strategies for Ethically Spying on Competitors
How do you beat the competition at their own game? First, you have to understand them. What are they doing? Is it working? If so, why? If not, what are they doing wrong? Do they have any weak points where you know you can do better, creating gaps where you can move in and carve […]