Influencer marketing can do wonders for your brand. A good word from a niche authority that people trust is a very, very valuable form of social proof. But despite its effectiveness, some influencer marketing campaigns end up falling flat. Usually — though not always — this isn’t because influencer marketing isn’t a good fit for […]
Hit Peak Productivity With These 3 Simple Scheduling Tweaks
Even if you work from home full-time, and you’re not juggling a side hustle with a 9-5 day job, being productive can be surprisingly challenging. People have good days and bad days. Some days, you just don’t have it in you. And that problem gets worse as your business grows. Your workload grows with it, […]
5 Smart Strategies For Becoming An Influencer in Any Niche
Influencer marketing is a great strategy to get some eyes on your content and your products. But there’s a flip side to that phenomenon. On one side of the equation, we have marketers, entrepreneurs, salesmen, and the like. But there’s another side to it, and that’s the influencers themselves. Becoming an influencer yourself is a […]
Here’s Why So Many Content Marketing Campaigns Fail
If you want to succeed at content marketing, you have to start with quality content. It’s the solid foundation you need before you execute your campaign. If your content’s no good, you won’t get anywhere. But there’s another side to the equation, and that’s promotion. That’s the hard part, really. Creating truly great videos, blog […]
4 Smart Tips for Finding the Perfect Influencers for Building a Brand People Trust
Apparently, influencer marketing is all the rage these days. It’s the latest hot trend in the digital marketing world, as the unprecedented global connectivity of the internet transforms what it means to be a celebrity. Social media influencers come in all shapes and sizes, so to speak. Some of them are popular Youtubers. (Think Nostalgia […]