So you’ve got a Facebook page or an Instagram account, and it’s flourishing right now. Maybe it’s for yourself, or maybe it’s for a niche, a fandom, or a particular aesthetic. When you’ve got tons of followers on social media, and engagement to match, you’d be crazy not to find a way to monetize it. Building […]
This Simple Problem is the Single Biggest Reason Businesses Fail
Most small businesses fail. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. There are multiple reasons for this, one of which is that they’re not always founded by someone with expertise in running a business. You could call that the E-myth effect. But there’s another huge reason why businesses fail, and it’s common with startups and online businesses. […]
Use This Simple Trick and Watch Twitter Shares Skyrocket
Twitter gets some flak these days, but it’s still one of the top social media platforms. In certain niches and industries, this is especially true. And when someone with influence tweets something, it can spread like wildfire. It might not “go viral” in a big, global sense, but it can definitely become “niche viral.” But […]
5 Types of Irresistible Headlines People Can’t Help But Click On
When it comes to content, it’s all about the headline. Seriously. It’s really, really important. If you’re a writer, and you take pride in your work, you might initially have some reservations about the whole “clickbait” thing. But it works. And really quickly, let me just put in my 2 cents about the term “clickbait.” […]
This is the Secret to Getting Tons of Traffic from Facebook Ads
Facebook ads could be described as one of the linchpins of digital marketing strategy. They’re incredibly effective when executed well, thanks largely to Facebook’s incredible access to data about its users. But “executed well” is kind of the salient point here. Like any kind of marketing, if you’re doing it wrong, you might not see […]