Once you’ve gotten someone to sign up for your email list, the real challenge is keeping them subscribed. How many times have you given a website your email address in exchange for their lead magnet, only to either unsubscribe later, or let the emails sit unread in your Promotions folder? Probably a lot. You need […]
7 Clever New Ways to Segment an Email List
Building a robust email list is a big achievement for a small online business. Once you’ve got it, though, the next step is segmentation. Digital marketing is all about careful audience targeting, and email marketing is no exception. Ideally, along with names and email addresses, you have some kind of demographic info about each person. […]
The Surprising Secret to Affiliate Product Reviews That Convert
Product reviews are a staple of websites that are monetized with affiliate links. And it’s natural to want to give everything a good review — after all, you want people to buy it. But too many perfect reviews could actually make your audience less likely to convert. Think about it — how many products, or movies, […]
3 Bad Money Habits That Stand In The Way of Success (And How to Overcome Them)
Being an entrepreneur isn’t just a job description. It implies a much different way of thinking about business, and money, than your typical person might have. If you’ve been struggling to grow your business successfully, and it’s had a lot of financial issues, it’s possible that the underlying problem could be how you think about […]
This Fun Little Snapchat Feature Can Be the Key to Better Brand Awareness
If you’re like a lot of older Millennials, Snapchat seemed like it came out of nowhere. Wildly popular among teens and college students, this image-based messaging app offers creative tools for smart marketers to reach out and make a connection with their audiences. Two popular features on Snapchat’s self-serve advertising platform are sponsored geofilters and […]