Even if you’re not an active Reddit user, you’ve probably at least heard of this unique social media platform. Founded in 2005 as a link aggregator, Reddit has grown into a home for countless online communities. With a structure somewhat similar to old-school forums, individual “subreddits” exist for almost any topic imaginable. From massive, broad […]
Here’s How One Expert Marketer Would Spend a $10/day Ad Budget Buying Website Traffic
If you had an ad budget of $10 a day, what would you do with it? You might be thinking: Facebook! And you’d be smart to think that. But what EXACTLY would you do with $10/day? If you’re not quite sure, expert digital marketer Molly Pittman has some creative suggestions. In a recent article from […]
3 Easy Steps to Train Our Brain to Think Positively and Increase Productivity
Struggling with negative thoughts and emotions? Even if you don’t have a clinical mood disorder, bad moods can destroy your productivity. The good news is that you can actually “train” your brain to think in more positive ways. In fact, this is the basis of many styles of psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You […]
3 Ways to Use Targeted Facebook Ads to Directly Increase Profits
Facebook is by far the most profitable social media platform that has ever existed, and it’s because of their success selling advertising. And there’s a good reason for this level of astounding success on their part: Facebook advertising works. Their unique targeting capabilities give marketers the opportunity to hone in on highly specific audiences, sending […]
SEO in 2017: Here’s 6 Easy Tips for Building Links That Actually Matter
Link building is hard, and over the years, it’s continued to become even more challenging. As Google’s algorithm changes have made it harder for blackhat SEOs to “game the system,” whitehat link building has become more difficult, especially for small websites. In fact, getting links is probably the hardest part of SEO. But not all […]