Everyone loves a great case study. Prospects love them because it allows them to see what’s possible and provides social proof – someone has already done it. Marketers love them because it builds trust with prospects, reinforces credibility, and can be used as an extremely effective lead generation tool. (You know, they need to opt-in […]
Radically Rethinking Productivity: 4 Life Hacks That Are So Simple, But Most People Won’t Be Able To Do
Because there’s only 24 hours in a day, we know how important it is to maximize our productivity. And some people are able to get A LOT done in those 24 hours. When it comes to productivity, usually we look for ways to try and squeeze more action into the same amount of time. But what if […]
Affiliate Marketers That Use This One Simple Trick See Massive Boost in Profits
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a magic ‘easy button’ when it comes to an online business? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it doesn’t exist. The only way to succeed in any business is to work hard. There are no shortcuts. But even though there is no ‘easy […]
Case Study: $15,026.10 in Affiliate Commissions Using Copy & Paste Emails
A few months ago, there was a major product launch – you may have even seen it. The product was Inbox Blueprint by Anik Singal. What’s great about this product is that it’s a complete course with everything the customer needs. And if you’re familiar with Anik, you know his stuff is great. But this […]
The 3 Secrets These Millionaire Entrepreneurs Wish Someone Had Told Them When They First Started
If you’re a regular on this blog, you know I’m a big believer in the philosophy of never trying to recreate the wheel. One of the smartest things anybody can do when trying to accomplish anything is to find somebody who’s already done it and learn from them. Successes, failures, missed opportunities; there is a […]