Just remember that you need to make sure that the area you decide on is not already over saturated with your same type of business. If you jumped into the smoothie industry, what creations would you come up with the stand apart?
Should I Use My Personal Facebook Profile of a Fan Page For Business?
Trying out a Facebook group is not only a great way to start networking but also give you some ideas of what to do when you finally set up your own Facebook fan page. Which social networking avenue do you feel is the best for your business and why?
Save Money on Copywriting
Have you ever tried to save money by writing copy yourself? This can come out really good or you may struggle to grasp the concept. Check out our most recent blog and save money for your business today!
Find Great Fall Leads with These 7 Summer Marketing Tips
Every blog owner should make sure to take pictures and notes on anything you may want to share socially or blog about once back in the office. What are your favorite ways to build up fall leads during the summer time?
15 Facebook Benefits of Having a Fan Page
Do you have any experience using Facebook for business? Share some stories about what happens when you use your personal page to promote and why it is better to use fab pages with the rest of us below!