When you have freelancing in your blood but you’re fresh out of freelancing ideas, the following guide should help. The trick to finding out what you want to do as far as freelancing goes is to imagine yourself working eight to twelve hours a day doing…whatever. Maybe you like to write. Perhaps design is your thing. Besides the online options for freelancing, have you thought about the off line options like the ones mentioned towards the bottom of this article? What would you choose to do?
Build Consumer Trust by Using Transparency
As more and more markets emerge, new products and services become readily available, more and more people are turning to brands they can trust. Even new companies offering the same exact products or services are loosing out to well known businesses. What does your company do currently to provide a sense of trust?
How to Get Started Selling Your Invention
It only takes a spark of the imagination to create a massive transformation worldwide. Case in point, look at the microwave oven. Some guy thought – I no longer want to stand over a hot stove or in front of a smoldering oven to cook my food. I want to nuke it! – and that invention has changed the way we treat food. What are some of your favorite inventions that you feel you couldn’t live without?
The Truth Behind Making Money Online
For years the mantra has been that it’s near impossible to make money online; that earning an online income is a myth perpetuated by people who are trying to sell you something and separate a fool from his money. The fact is, making money online is possible. The other services discussed in the middle section of this article has some great points on web presence. What do you currently do to get noticed online?
5 Every Day Tasks for Great Managers
Employees with direct contact and access to their superiors are usually much happier with their job. This creates a relationship, trust and incentive to please the hand that feeds you. This article not only gives a little insight of what great managers do on a daily basis but can also put things back into perspective if you have been in management for a long time. What do you feel are some great qualities for top of the line managers to have?