Have you ever tried to buy something online that you really wanted only to be let down by an unnerving check out process? This will actually deter buyers not only from purchasing the product from you, especially if they can find it somewhere else, but will also keep them from coming back. Check out these tips on how to solves these problems and improve your website.
Freelance Tips: How to Make More Money Writing
Like most freelance writers, you may have found yourself in a bit of comfort zone. You may be actively writing for a few clients and your bills are getting paid, but, like all true professionals, you’re still not completely satisfied. Check out number 4 for an easy way to get started making money as a writer. Are there any other easy ways to get started that you can share with our readers below?
5 Tips to Optimize Paid Media Campaigns
Lisa Raehsler, founder of Big Click Co, shares 5 tips to optimize your paid media campaigns with us in our most recent blog. I truly feel that the 5th one with deals on how to mobile optimize your ads is the most important for the current mobile dominant trend. Have you already optimized your mobile ads?
How to Use Video Marketing to Thank or Welcome Clients
If you were starting a business back in, say, 1982, video marketing would have been difficult and expensive. You would have been forced to hire a service where a crew would have come to your place of business with bulky equipment, lighting and the whole shebang. The end that states some tips about filming yourself are pretty good regarding funtionality. Do you have any tips of your own to offer?
How to Build a Creative Business from Scratch in 5 Steps
Creativity is thriving with modern technology and has become quite the competitive sector. More and more people are turning to creating their own companies, products, services and brands each and every year. This is a trend that we will continue to see, probably forever. Do you have any tips for new business owners to help them stand out?