Anyone who owns a business and has any type of budget should make a little room for video marketing through paid search advertising. This is one of the most effective ways to advertise, again, if you have the budget. By dropping a link to your videos in your highly targeted paid ads, you can easily create more traffic and increase sales. Check out our recent post to see what the best paid ads for video marketing truly are.
Take Your SEO to the Next Level With These 5 Tools
Every online business needs to do some sort of search engine optimization to be successful. There are so many ways to do SEO now that you can find one that works well with your company. There are also several programs you can use to make this task even easier. How else do you expect to sell your products or services if people can’t find your website?
Virtual Assistant Job Hunting Tips
With unemployment figures steadily improving from rock-bottom conditions, now is the time to look for a virtual assistant job. There are two primary reasons why looking for a position now rather than later makes sense. First of all, more people are hiring these days than they have been in recent years. Click through to our blog to check out some great tips for virtual assistant job hunters.
Content Marketing and SEO
SEO has changed so much over the last few years and the old content marketing techniques just don’t cut it anymore. You HAVE to have the highest quality website and content now to earn and continue to climb in page rank. In order to do this correctly you must invest your own time and dedication into the SEO for your business. The conclusion provides a great little outline on what to focus on with your content marketing. After reading the article can you see now why content marketing can work as an effective SEO technique for your business?
For Local SEO Keyword Research Use the New Adwords Keyword Planner
Since the Venice update finding local keywords has become quite difficult. While the Google Keyword Tool uses keywords with Geo Modifiers it leaves out the ones that do not. Well, the new Google AdWords Keyword Planner combines data from the Keyword Tool and the Traffic Estimator to give us both, keywords with Geo Modifiers and ones without. Don’t forget step 3, as it is the most important step to follow.