Applying for and actually getting a job as a virtual assistant really comes down to how you sell yourself. You don’t need a ton of experience or a high tech office, as long as you have a strong drive. Just make sure to highlight your skills and that you have the ones needed for the jobs you are applying for. Once you prove you can work independently you can build a strong online virtual assistant work portfolio. By including great feedback, you can use this online business portfolio when ever you feel necessary, to take on more work.
Start Making Money as a Writer Through Awrads and Grants
I truly believe in making money as a writer if you have the time, dedication and a strong work ethic. If you have a natural writing ability, making money as a writer is actually quite an easy and lucrative career. It can be done with minimal tools and at what ever pace best suites your work needs. Do you currently take part in any writing contests to earn an income online?
Understanding Information Product Sales
The product of information sales is booming and a few very good reasons. For one, there are more people than ever online. With smartphones, tablets and computers taking over the world, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone without an Internet connection. That makes the information product sales business plan more viable than ever if making a healthy living online is you primary goal…
Indiegogo’s CEO Shares Tips On How To Succeed When Crowdfunding
Just like many of your out there I actually enjoy researching just about everything to see how it works and to better understand how I can possibly apply what I figured out to make my life easier. It’s what puts us apart as innovators in success. This is one of the reasons I find crowd funding so interesting. Check out this detailed interview with Indiegogo’s SEO, Slava Rubin, and get a head start constructing an effective crowd funding campaign.
2014 Expired Tax Breaks, Obamacare Penalties & More
A lot of tax payer will be surprised by some of the new tax penalties as well as the expiration or past tax breaks, this year. It is good to remember that 55 different tax breaks expired at the end of 2013 and many will see the ramifications of it when filing taxes this year as well as next. Congress is even thinking about reinstating some of the more popular tax deductions. Which popular tax deductions do you hope to see make a come back as soon as possible?