We have been talking about business plans and taking the time to structure your company correctly in order to have a more successful 2014. We have given tons of tips and ideas of what you can do to accomplish these tasks as well. After reading our blog on which mobile app you should be using for business organization do you have any other ones that should be added to the list?
Making Money Online in 2014
Whether you are just learning about making money online or your goal is to make more money online than you ever have before, you have come to the right place. The following are seven tips gleaned from industry experts, business analysts and Internet marketers just like yourself. So check out our Job Crusher blog and learn all about how to start making money online.
Organizing Your New Business in 2014
The ink is barely dry on your new business cards, but your new business is ready to receive its first customer and sale. Before you get started and before your business becomes a hotbed of furious spending activity, you might want to take the time to properly organize the venture you plan to run. Do you take the time to map out a business plan at the end of every year?
In Your Year-End Wrap-Up Always Include Social Media
A lot of people don’t realize how important it is to do a year-end wrap-up in almost every aspect of your business. The cool thing about social media is you can make it even more personal by creating a little year-end video based off of the data you’ve been collecting all year. Tell them how your year ended up, on a personal note, as well as what can be expected for 2014. Taking the time to address your client’s and even your business partners in this form will go further then you think. Have you ever done a video review for your own business to use in your year-end marketing campaign?
Before the End of the Year Here Are 6 Ways To Maximize Your Marketing
Every one wants their year to end on the strongest note possible for their brand. This makes it easier to transition into a positive new year for 2014. You can always use video marketing to send a year-end analysis to affiliates and investors as well as a more personal video to your client’s and potential customers. This puts a very personal touch on your year-end marketing efforts. Do you have any year-end advice that you would be willing to add for our small business owners and blog readers out there?