When you want to travel to a physical place, say, from Michigan to Florida, you will want to find a map that shows you exactly which roads to take in order to arrive from A to B. You don’t need to know how many houses you’ll pass on the way, or how many trees or rock formations. You just need a route that shows you all the most important things you’ll need to know in order to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Make Your Employees Feel Safe with 7 Steps
Unfortunately safety in the workplace is not always guaranteed. Even if you know your staff and feel very safe at the office you never know what might happen. In some cases trauma in the workplace has been caused by total strangers or old affiliates. While it is not very common it is very important to make sure your employees feel safe.
Becoming a Franchise Owner: 3 Scary Truths
If you can’t handle stress on the job then owning a franchise may not be for you. It can be intimidating when thinking about the costs and obligations involved. But for those of us who can handle the stress on a regular basis, becoming your own boss is a great idea.
Target Millennials This Holiday with Mobile Email Marketing
Many retailers are predicting that the millennial generation will play a huge role this holiday season. That means tapping into the millennial market with mobile email marketing should be the goal. Purchases through mobile devices are expected to account for over 16% of $61.8 billion dollars in ecommerce for this holiday season alone.
It’s Not Always Better to be Bigger
A lot of businesses have made drastic changes to survive and succeed during this recession. The ones that are still around today took action to save their businesses by downsizing and cutting costs. The companies and business owners that took a while to make any changes either survived or folded.