Who’s your target audience? Chances are, the answer to that question is broad enough that there isn’t necessarily one single answer to that question. Let’s say you sell nootropics (health supplements designed to boost cognitive performance). Some of your potential customers are just now finding out that nootropics are a thing that exists. Others are […]
Use This Smart Strategy To Keep Customers Coming Back Again and Again
Some products are usually a one-time purchase, especially big ticket items in categories like electronics and appliances. So if you’re in the ecommerce space, and focusing on products of that nature, most of your resources are probably directed toward new customer acquisition. (How often do you buy a refrigerator or a top tier gaming PC?) […]
3 Affiliate Marketing Myths That Keep Entrepreneurs from Making a Profit
It can be surprisingly hard to find genuinely good information about affiliate marketing. There are good resources out there — like Nichehacks, where this excerpt comes from. But you’ll find tons of awful, confused, and outdated advice floating around out there in forums, blog posts, reddit posts, and more. So a lot of people hold some inaccurate […]
These 7 Simple Questions Are the Key to Building A Brand Customers Love
You know a Nike ad when you see it. Same with Coca-Cola or Apple. This is because they have a consistent visual brand. It’s a combination of visual elements — logos, layouts, color schemes, themes and motifs — that come together into a gestalt that consumers recognize instantly as a sign of that particular brand. You […]
Make Bank This Holiday Season With This Smart Content Strategy
There are some people where you always know exactly what to get them. People you’re really close with — parents, spouses, best friends. Then there are those people you’re not too close to, but you have just enough social contact with them to feel like you should give them something for the holidays. These are prime scenarios for gift […]