Never underestimate the importance of good web design. It can make or break your conversion rate. And it’s not just a matter of aesthetic appeal. It’s more about user experience (UX). If your site is hard to navigate, and it takes too long for visitors to figure out where to go, they’re not going to […]
7 Simple Steps to an Unforgettable Brand With a Strong Identity
It’s a crowded marketplace out there. No matter what kind of business you have, and no matter what you’re selling, you’re competing with someone. Remember that competition isn’t just a matter of selling the same products. Your blog content and your Facebook ads are competing for attention with tons of other stimuli in a person’s immediate […]
This Underused PPC Platform Can Be A Gold Mine for Ecommerce
If you’re selling B2C products, you’re probably using a lot of PPC ads. On both Google and Facebook, these ads can be a great way to get your wares in front of the right people. But there’s actually a third player in the B2C PPC space, one that people all too often forget. It’s Amazon. […]
Scaling a Business? This Key Step in the Process Helps Content Marketing Scale With It
Many small businesses can grow larger over time, even those that are created and operated by just one solopreneur. As your business gets more profitable, you may reach that exciting point when it’s time to start scaling your business. You may find yourself hiring contractors, expanding your selection of products, and otherwise taking your company […]
Get Inspired By These 10 Great Quotes About Leadership
When you make the decision to start a business, you’re placing yourself into a position of leadership. This is true even if you’re a solopreneur, and your company is a one-man show. Maybe you’re one of those people who’s a natural born leader. The kind of person who was student government president in high school, […]