When it comes to most of the marketing and advertising you’re doing for your business, the ultimate goal is making a sale. That’s the holy grail. It’s what you’re after. It’s the fruit of all that hard work you’ve been doing to promote your brand. Chances are, you’ve got a sales funnel set up. So […]
Try These 3 Tools, And Watch Remote Teams’ Productivity Skyrocket
Today’s communication technologies have largely freed companies from the need to have all of their employees in an office together. While it’s true that there are still plenty of jobs out there that cannot or should not be done remotely, there are even more of them that can be carried out from anywhere. Why deal with the […]
How to Win at Instagram AND Pinterest With Content Audiences Love
Instagram and Pinterest are both two of the biggest social media platforms out there right now. And while their effectiveness can depend on your particular target audience, both are indispensable for a lot of different brands. But you don’t want to just stick the same images on Instagram and Pinterest. It doesn’t work well. The platforms aren’t […]
3 Profitable Side Projects Anyone Can Start
You don’t have to quit your job, move out west, and found a tech startup to become an entrepreneur. You can start by taking just a few small steps toward finding ways to generate some extra cash. A small but lucrative side project that depends on Facebook ads can be a great way to introduce […]
Never Forget This Critical Part of a Successful Facebook Ad
You could definitely argue that the most important part of a Facebook ad is its headline. That’s what snags the initial attention you need. But there are other things too, not least the call to action (CTA). This one’s probably the second most important part of any ad. After all, advertising messages are usually designed to compel […]