Hey there, you made it! Excellent. I appreciate you coming by.
There's some great stuff I believe you'll really like and learn from in this post (it's just a short 5 minute, enlightening read…) and of course there's that important question to answer at the end to win that shiny new iPad I promised you!
Ready? Let's roll right into it, shall we?
There's a great quote that we've made one of the cornerstones of everything we do here at JobCrusher.
This is such a powerful truth it's being woven into the very foundational fabric of our corporate DNA, from the bottom up and top down in every member of our team.
I believe it holds the key to a great lesson for you as well, as you pay close attention to the way we do everything we do as we move forward with this big transformation here at JobCrusher (you probably read about that in the last couple of emails from me).
Here it is…
“The people who really care how much you know
are the ones who know how much you really care.”
You may have read or heard the following refrain many times by now…
“The money is in the list” with respect to making it online.
Well, we've observed that the much bigger truth is that the money is in your relationship with your list.
If you're like most of us who get on various Internet marketers' lists, you've probably noticed that many of those people who are promoting products and aggressively building lists online tend to just pummel you with promo email after promo email, constantly trying to get you to part with some more of your precious cash to buy the latest shiny object or the flavor of the week ‘hot new money making system' without really creating an interactive relationship with you that makes you feel like they actually care about you.
Doesn't that eventually tend to make you feel like you're seen as nothing but a credit card number that feeds their personal ATM machine?
And, if you're like most people, usually sooner than later you either stop opening their emails or just delete them when they come in, until you might finally unsubscribe to stop having your inbox clogged up with them.
Sound familiar?
I imagine you might be wondering why I'm harping on that topic so intently…
and that's a good question.
There are actually two very important reasons…
1. As you build your online business, I hope you'll see that it's of paramount importance to NOT be like one of those marketers (because they eventually do burn out their lists and end up fading away and you probably don't want to fall into that self-destructive trap)
2. I promise you that we care deeply about both your success and our relationship with you in helping you accomplish whatever it is you desire to achieve, so we will never abuse your trust by pummeling you with offer after offer in lieu of delivering you a steady stream of good content (like this!)
Now, of course we're still going to bring really high quality tools, resources and genuine income producing projects to your attention, and yes, we're going to suggest you invest in them if they're a good fit for you.
However, rest assured that every select offer we send you will be carefully vetted and will never be anything we wouldn't recommend to a close family member that we wanted to make sure we were helping to the best of our ability.
Fair enough?
Here's another fundamental truth you might want to etch into your mind:
“People who are like each other tend to like each other,
and people do business with those they know, like and trust.”
Make sense?
Speaking of trust…
Trust is the new, most valuable currency in business.
Trust creates speed in action.
Trust is built from authenticity and transparency woven into genuinely caring communications.
As you keep reading the emails to come from us here at JobCrusher, you'll probably see why these things I'm sharing with you are so important.
It's because as part of our big transformation, we're going to be focusing a lot on giving you insights into the unspoken aspects of what goes into building a successful business that has staying power.
In addition to making you aware of the latest cutting edge, highly effective marketing strategies, tools and resources, we'll be talking a lot about the not so obvious things that make the most successful people get that way…things like mindset, motivation, inspiration and exceptional charismatic communication skills.
I firmly believe you're going to be very pleased with what's to come.
I'm honored to have you along for what promises to be an amazing journey together.
I deeply appreciate your trust and commit to protect it faithfully.
Now, if you'd be willing to take a moment to type your answer to that one important question we talked about earlier in the comments below, you'll get entered into this month's drawing for a shiny brand new iPad, delivered right to your door.
Would you do that for me?
Here's the burning question I have for you that I truly would like to know your answer to…
If we were to meet face to face and sit down for just a few minutes, what's the one most important question you'd ask me to speak to you about that would help you out the most on your journey to success?
Type your answer in the comments below under Leave a Reply so I might get the genuine pleasure of sending you this month's new iPad, okay?
Cool, thanks! I'll be speaking to you very soon.
All the best,
Bill McIntosh, CEO
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