- Product: Crusher Formula
Crusher Formula Module 7: TRAFFIC, Traffic, Traffic, Part 1
Welcome to the Traffic Series of Crusher Formula!
During the course of these two modules, you will be discovering exactly how to use online advertising to maximize your profits and generate sales and commissions as quickly as possible.
We will be revealing many strategies and tactics presented here for you along with all the resources needed to generate the greatest amount of targeted traffic with the least amount of effort.
Much of what will be taught will be things you can apply immediately.
In Part 1 of Traffic, we will be discussing:
- Introduction to Pay-Per-Click Advertising
- How to use AdWords to get the highest quality scores and most effective ads possible – and getting the lowest cost-per-click (CPC) possible to maximize on your ad budget.
- Overview of Yahoo! Search Marketing and MSN AdCenter
- A rare inside look at second and third-tier PPC Search Engines that most people never talk about
- Online tools used by the pro’s to save you BIG TIME with running and setting up your campaigns
- Plus more…
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