From teenagers to adults, almost everyone is looking to earn an extra buck. With all the part time jobs quickly being taken, many of us are forced to look to other avenues like micro jobs. A micro job is usually a short-term or a one-time gig that allows you to earn an extra income around any free time you might have.
Below are a few examples of micro jobs that were recently posted on TaskRabbit:
- Take two or three loads of laundry to the laundromat and return it clean and folded ($23).
- Make sure an electronic coupon works at a restaurant ($12 plus free lunch).
- Remove and discard packing materials from 30 small boxes, flatten the boxes and walk them downstairs to a recycling bin (up to $29).
You might even find extra work that you can do while taking care of your own personal tasks, like walking your dog.
Here are some tips you should keep in mind when starting out:
- Make a note of it. Keep written or electronic notes of all jobs, so you don't offer to work a trade fair on the same day you'd already committed to pack Father's Day gifts for an e-commerce site.
- Keep an open mind. A category that sounds like a no-go could actually be a good fit. “Grocery delivery” might summon up an image of four or five heavy bags. But one advertised job was to buy and deliver bananas, milk, a box of cereal, an avocado and a container of salad. Someone earned $23 to do this.
- Think ahead. Booked solid for the next week? Great. But what about the week after that? Set aside a little time each day to search for enough work to keep you busy all summer (or beyond).
- Be realistic. Allow enough time to do the job right. Otherwise you won't get much more work. (Some sites allow previous employers to rate/recommend workers.)
Now you can take the micro job experience two ways: One is to simply use it as an additional income and the other is to test your entrepreneurship skills before deciding to build a freelance career.
Can you offer any advice for someone that is taking on micro jobs to test a future career as an entrepreneur?
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