Press releases are still very effective if written and executed properly. They also can hold more weight and look more like authority content than any other type of marketing content out there.
Try out 6 essential steps to finally write a killer press release:
1. Craft a hook: If you’ve ever had a song stuck in your head, you know what a great hook is. It’s that chorus or beat that you just can’t shake. Just like in pop music, a great hook is key to success in writing a killer press release. To find your hook, spend time before you start writing your release researching the press releases and blog posts of industry competitors, gathering information about which releases and posts have received significant coverage. Use these successes as a guideline for your own release, with an eye toward what types of content your audience is reacting to and/or sharing.2. Add a great headline: If you’re a Copyblogger reader, you already know the importance of a compelling headline. You only have a few seconds to grab a reader’s attention, so be sure to craft a headline with the following elements:
- Lead with a concept, not your brand name — your audience (both readers and reporters) probably don’t care about your brand or company name, but they do care about finding a good story. Lead with a compelling concept to draw them in
- Be creative — don’t confine yourself to the headlines you see in other press releases. Use all your Copyblogger-inspired skills to create a headline that stands out.
- Test — test your headlines just like you would any other content. Find the headline that grabs attention and makes the reader want to learn more. You can repurpose a headline that’s worked particularly well for you in blog content or a special report, for example.
3. Avoid jargon: When writing killer press releases remember to minimize technical or industry jargon. Although relevant for certain professionals or groups, jargon may confuse your audience and turn them off to your message. To engage new readers who may not be as skilled in industry language, write for a broader audience and increase the likelihood the content is shared. Keep it simple, and don’t be afraid to offer explanatory resources if some industry or brand-specific names or words are needed.4. Provide resources: We don’t live in a one-dimensional world, and your press release shouldn’t look one-dimensional either. Provide added value to your killer press release by including photos, videos, links to source material and any other in-depth resources, giving your readers the assets they need to fully report the news you’re providing them. A complete “package” of supporting resources makes your story that much more appealing to a reporter looking for something great to cover.
5. Proofread: Errors in grammar and spelling can kill your credibility and take away from your overall message. Write your release in word processing document instead of a text file or online submission form. When you’ve got it drafted, print it out and proofread your writing. Correct and rewrite, then proofread again.
6. Share your news: A good news release distribution service will syndicate your news on relevant publisher sites, and it will also attract readers through search (be sure to be strategic about keywords, as with any other kind of content marketing).
Don't forget to share links to your release with any followers, influencers and on all of your social networks. Also share the whole release anywhere they allow it for free, just don't get spammy.
How do you like to grab peoples attention with a press release?
Image Source: Ambernectar 13 on Flickr
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